Our Esteemed Leader--Hayao Miyazaki

The First Church of Hayao Miyazaki

Welcome one, welcome all to the official First Church of Hayao Miyazaki web site!  I am your lovely host and High Priest, Brother Koutoku.  We here of the Church are currently located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.  We promote the beauty of Anime through daily worship and prayer...but mainly we just watch Anime and have a VERY weird sense of humour.

Anyway...on with the show!

After falling asleep on it for far too long, we finally present the winner. Go here to see all the entries and find out who won.


Some quick words about the Holy Fanfic first.  I wrote translated it, yes (and fellow High Priest and Co-Pope Sister Kourin edited proofread it)...what can I say?  It's fun to be a prophet.   Anyway, people have already responded very favourably to the writing.  I thank you all.  It was my very first fanfic...and, well...I was (excuse the pun) nervous as hell.

I'll post up new chapters when I get the time to finish them.  Creation is constantly in progress (when time permits), but I'm trying to work out a few problems I'm having in my visions.

THE FIRST CHURCH OF HAYAO MIYAZAKI FAQ  Ver. 1.3, last amended 2005 4 12.

THE FIRST CHURCH'S 2001 CHRISTMAS MESSAGE:  Written by Sister Kourin and originally published in the SOAP (Society for Ottawa Anime Promotion) newsletter The Shower Scene.  This version contains more web links, which should more than make up for the fact that Christmas 2001 has long come and gone.

THE FIRST CHURCH'S 2002 NEW YEAR'S MESSAGE:  This wasn't written in time to make the next Shower Scene, and Sister Kourin's chronic procrastination doesn't help matters much, either.  However, as we all know, 'tis better late than never, so here it is.

THE FIRST CHURCH'S TEN COMMANDMENTS:  And speaking of "better late than never," I recently discovered the First Page of the original Holy Fanfic, and the Ark of the Covenant as well.  It was risky, but I believe that the effort required was well worth it, and I am proud to present them here.

A NOTE ON SPRING, ANNO 2002:  This time, both of us do the writing, based on our observations around the Holy Land, Ottawa and the internet.

BISHONEN APPRECIATION DAY:  Everything you need to know about the First Church's frist Official Holiday (and are big enough of a fan to ask). Added 2003 02 08.





THE HOLY FANFIC--THE BOOK OF YAOI:  Recently discovered by First Church High Priests Brother Kouyasu and Brother Kael-san.  They have kindly translated it into English for its inclusion here.

E-MAIL THE FIRST CHURCH:  The E-mail address is now closed due to Brother Koutoku's passing.  We hope to create a new address soon, which Sister Kourin will handle.  Stay tuned.


Nausicaa.net:  This is the meeting place of a large congregation of devotees of Lord Miyazaki's (and His associates in Studio Ghibli's) work.  Their divine mission is to inform those of the Faith about their past, present and future activities.

Studio Ghibli's Official Web Site:  The direct internet source to the activities of the very heart of the Holy Land--provided that you're able to read Japanese.

Joe Hisaishi's Official Web Site:  The composer whose melodies and arrangements weave together with Miyazaki's craft to create pure magic.  Includes an English version.  Nausicaa.net also has an impressive section about him.

dmoz' s Anime Links:  A refuge for those who wish to explore as many facets of the One True Anime as are humanly possible, and the tributes and rejoicings of its fans thereof.  One is occasionally led down dead ends here, but you will never, ever be lost, and you will frequently be enlightened. NOTE: The links to the Anime Web Turnpike were removed due to its new owners turning it into a self-described "marketing tool."  We at the First Church do not condone harvesting information from people on the internet for marketing purposes; the people who do will spend all of eternity in Hell, shovelling coal under telemarketers.

Legal disclaimer:  This page is not affiliated with Studio Ghibli, its business partners and licensees, or any other businesses referred to or linked to in the documents within.  It's just the brainchild of two fans of his work trying to have some harmless fun.  Honestly, officer.  Image appropriated from Ultrazine.org.